Recess is a consumer wellness brand creating products and experiences designed to help people feel balanced, centered, and inspired so they can be their most productive and creative selves — despite an increasingly stressful world.

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Recess is a consumer wellness brand creating products and experiences designed to help people feel balanced, centered, and inspired so they can be their most productive and creative selves — despite an increasingly stressful world.
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Recess is a refreshingly unique brand in the bustling world of wellness beverages. At its core, Recess embodies a philosophy of relaxation and creativity, believing that a calm mind leads to more productive and fulfilled lives. This ethos is beautifully bottled in their signature line of sparkling water, infused with hemp extract and adaptogens designed to help alleviate stress and enhance focus. What sets Recess apart is not just their innovative approach to functional beverages but their commitment to quality, taste, and aesthetic appeal, appealing to the modern consumer who values wellness as much as they do design and flavor. This brand is a standout for those seeking to integrate wellness seamlessly into their daily routine.

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